Thank you, Mr. Chair. I guess I'm the last one.
The Farm Focus is a small newspaper that's published in Atlantic Canada, in fact I believe in Yarmouth. About two issues ago it had some very critical letters in terms of agriculture: one from Newfoundland and Labrador and another from a farmer here in Nova Scotia.
Mr. Wiseman, your Minister of Natural Resources replied to one of those letters.
It's unfortunate, Mr. Chair, that we're not going to Newfoundland and Labrador. She says that province is a growth area, that employment in that sector has increased by 20% in the last five years.
Mr. Chair, in Atlantic Canada, of course, a lot of the food comes from somewhere else. We even bring in apples. Last night, I think it was $1.15 a litre for supreme gasoline. What price would diesel fuel have to be before we saw a greater reliance on agriculture in places like Atlantic Canada? Carbon and the cost of transportation are big factors in the future of our economy and our country. What price would it have to go to—$2 a litre for diesel—before we couldn't bring apples from China, or grain to Newfoundland and Labrador for your poultry sector? These are going to be big factors in the future.
Mr. Hunter, you talk about money coming from the front door rather than the back door. You seem to think it should be done, but how? Where would the money come from? There would have to be more money. Would you take money from somebody to give to the--