Yes, how do we do that? That's a great question. If we're going to have a dairy industry in Canada, we have to maintain those three pillars. How do we do it?
I'm not one of the ones who has the privilege of sitting at the negotiating table, obviously. We have to make sure—I come back to the fundamental question again. It seems to me we have to ask that question and we have to come up with the answer.
If Canada is going to continue to have policies in place that will allow farmers in this country to be competitive and receive a fair return from the marketplace and have the ability to produce food to feed our people—if when we answer that question we as a country decide we're going to do this, okay, let's put the policy in place to do it. If we're not, let the government tell me it is not going to stand behind us as farmers and I'll go and do something else. But don't let them keep doing what they're doing now. They're telling us one thing on one hand, and on the other hand they're telling us that if push comes to shove, too bad.