Thanks for taking time to be here. It's a pleasure again to visit your beautiful province. Thanks to Wayne for the tour. I really enjoyed that before we came here.
I have a question for the young farmers. I know farmers. I know young farmers. I have relatives who managed that inherited farm, that inherited machinery; they didn't start off from scratch and they're having a hard time. My cousin was working off-farm, and she and her husband are what we would call successful grain farmers.
Is it actually possible for someone who wants to enter farming to finish college, get a diploma or a degree--or even without that--and to start farming? you mentioned that there is a future farm program here that's the envy of other parts of Canada. Is it possible to do that in Prince Edward Island? How does it overcome the horrendous cost of machinery, and of fertilizers, and all of the other costs?
I would like to get some ideas from you folks on that.