Good evening, and thanks for the opportunity to present our views on business risk management, something that is very important to us here in Atlantic Canada.
First of all, I should take a few moments to introduce myself. I'm a member director of Island Grain and Protein Council Inc, which is an organization that speaks on behalf of grain and oilseeds producers in P.E.I. We also run the spring and fall cash advance for grain producers. The Island Grain and Protein Council pays a membership to the Atlantic Grains Council.
The Atlantic Grains Council is a Maritimes-based organization made up of similar organizations for the three provinces. We are a member of the Grain Growers of Canada. I am the president of the Atlantic Grains Council, and as a result of that, director to the Grain Growers of Canada.
I'm approaching my 40th year anniversary--not my birthday--in farming. I have a partnership with my brother. We farm about 12 miles thataway. I believe you probably drove by our farm today. We farm approximately 1,200 acres of land. We produce cattle and various crops, which would consist of barley, wheat, soybeans, flax, and we're going to try canola this year, as well as hay.
In 2002 we made a decision to go out of dairy cows. We had a small dairy herd. The main reason was finances. We were struggling along with heavy financing, a heavy debt load, and had to look at refinancing once again. Our accountant said, “Is there anybody chasing you out of the barn?”, and we said no. “Well, then”, he said, “pay some debt off and get rid of your quotas”, which we did.
In the fall of 2006 we dropped our hog operation. We'd been in that since we started. So we now have two empty hog barns.
We are on a fourth-generation farm. Between us, my brother and I have five sons, and it's the end of the line. None of them are going to farm; they're all doing something else.
Between 1965 and 1980, there were a lot of people who got into agriculture. Just for fun yesterday, I was thinking about it and I counted--and I may have forgotten some--26 young people who got into farming in our area at that time. Today there are only four on those 26 farms. Now, a lot of those 26 have retired, gone broke, whatever.
In my opinion, we have a severe crisis in agriculture. I don't really think it's lack of money right now. The big problem facing us as Canadian farmers is who's going to produce the food in this country in 19 years' time? Why am I saying 19? Because last year I said 20.
If we look at Canada, we see we are a trading nation, and I believe we must continue to be a trading nation. We're in a high-cost producing country because of our climate, our geography. Also, over the last number of years we've been faced with very low commodity prices, and we compete with highly subsidized countries such as the European Union and the United States.
Recently I had the opportunity to speak to two farmers who actually might be even a few years older than I am and still farming. Sometimes I would rather not sit down and talk to a farmer, because it tends to get around to this negative talk. Anyway, there was this one particular guy, and we had a fair chat. He's a good farmer; he's a guy I've always looked up to. He said, “I wish I could get out, but I can't”--and that's a common thread among us today.
I guess if we look at the present programs we've had, we'd see they have not worked, especially in a sector like the grains and oilseeds, where we have been in declining margins. We have to look at the whole farm thing too.
I believe there's a feeling out there in the country that there is a lack of understanding between the politicians, the policy-makers, and particularly the bureaucrats. We often feel as farmers that we're being way over-regulated. I know we need to have regulations, but in P.E.I. we've crossed over the line and are probably worse off than other places. We're in a position where, if we're doing something good for the environment or the public, we're not being paid for that. It should come back to general society to pay for the benefits we're providing.
It almost makes you think sometimes that we missed the boat here. Maybe we can't reverse this trend; maybe it's too late.
However, after talking negatively, I'd like to turn that around a little bit. I believe we have a future in this country in agriculture and a lot of benefits, and we must continue to try.
Just listening to the previous presentations and questions, I'd say we have put a fair bit of money into agriculture, but it hasn't done the job that needs to be done. I don't think we as Canadians should be so worried about the dollars we are putting into agriculture—I don't have the figures before me—because an awful lot of money is generated from the export of agricultural commodities that we produce in this country, especially in the livestock and grain sectors.
As farmers in the grains and oilseeds sector, we welcome the recent announcement of $400 million that's supposed to come out; NISA going up from $500,000 to $750,000; and interest-free loans from $50,000 to $100,000. All those programs are a bit of help. We're also very excited about the biofuels industry and alternate energy, but a lot more needs to be done.
The Atlantic Grains Council would like to make a few recommendations.
Payments often come from the federal government based on ENS, eligible net sales. That does not work here because most of us are not straight grain growers; we also feed livestock. It costs the same to grow an acre of wheat, soybeans, or whatever is fed to beef or dairy cows, or pigs, as it does to grow that same crop for sale.
Another one that really needs to be addressed--and there may be a way the feds can do it--is this 60-40 split. So often we're left out of it. The better provinces can afford it. If it does come to us, a lot of the time it gets watered down and does not necessarily go where it was meant to go when the program was announced. I don't understand why it can't be taken off the equalization cheque, or something like that. Maybe there's a way it can be done, and I know we brought it up at the agricultural policy framework meetings. We're losing out on that one. Lots of times farmers in Ontario, Alberta, or wherever get it and we don't.
Crop insurance is a program that we think could stand a bit of overhauling. Sometimes it's based on going back too many years in your history. We're all using better practices on our farms. We're using different varieties to grow better crops. So occasionally we're being penalized on that one.
That bring us to research, which is another subject, but we won't bother mentioning that tonight.
Another idea I briefly touched on is that maybe producers need to be paid for the environmental good we're doing. Do we need to go to a four-year potato rotation? Do we need to take marginal land out of production, and stuff like that? Maybe carbon credits are another way. If it can't come out of the food chain, there may be other ways to help us.
One of the other things we would like to see is the three-year average eliminated for CAIS and the program redone so it is based on some sort of true cost. I know that we run into problems when we use cost of production, but I believe we have to go that way.
We also recommend that a separate disaster relief program be created. Maybe we should be looking at an RMP program similar to that which the Ontario grains and oilseeds are looking for.
In closing my remarks, I'd like to say that, in short, farm families are facing some challenging times, but we also see that by fixing some of the root causes of the income problem, we do have a bright future in front of our industry. As grains and oilseed producers, we do not believe the government owes farmers a living; we do, however, believe that government owes our industry policies that will allow us to make a decent living. These policies, we hope, are within our grasp. We simply need the political will to get there.
I was telling one farmer today that I was coming here and I asked, what should I say now? He said, tell them not to do any more damn studies; just get the job done and make things right.
Thank you.