I think the money that comes from Ottawa should come through the TISP program, and that way the farmers would get the money and they wouldn't have to worry about it being a loan. The federal government spent about the same amount of money tinkering with the CAIS program as they're passing out to us. If it comes through as special events or whatever, then it's only a loan and it has to be repaid anyway.
I'm not a whiner or a crybaby, but with the price of grains and oilseeds and so on, now the people with the feedlots can't pay me as much for my feeders because of the price of the grain, so I'm going to lose out again. And I've already lost money big time for the last four years. If they built a biodiesel fuel plant here, at least I could grow soybeans and I would make some money that way.
I do a lot of off-farm work because my net farm income has been zero for the last four years, and the only help the government has been is to send me a bill for $2,800.
Thank you.