I guess I'm going to change the tone a little bit and go back to something that Maria Smith said. Maria was the young lady with the P.E.I. Young Farmers' Association. She reminds me of myself 20 years ago, when I married into a fifth-generation family farm. In the 20 years gone by, I've raised five children on that farm, three of whom are in university, and two of whom are graduating within the next weeks with massive debts—$40,000 or $50,000—which they know they alone have to pay back because there's no extra money on their mom and dad's farm to look after any of that educational debt.
Getting back to a question James or one of the other members asked, is there a vision for Canadian agriculture, yes, there is a vision for Canadian agriculture. In fact there are two opposing visions for Canadian agriculture. One is for more corporate trade and is export oriented, which has led us down the wrong path. And the other one is more focused on domestic food security and food sovereignty. It's fine under supply management. Supply management works wonderfully inside a domestic market and doesn't distort export markets. It can balance the two out.
As for something that Ranald said here, the women of the National Farmers Union took it upon themselves to provide an opposing vision for Canadian agriculture. Although I wasn't officially allowed to distribute these two booklets, this is a three-year project undertaken by Canadian farm women, with money from Status of Women Canada and a little bit from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. We held workshops across the country and gathered women together to ask, what's wrong with Canadian agriculture now, and how do we fix it? Do we have the solutions? Yes, we have the solutions, and some of those solutions are very straightforward.
I would have liked to distribute a couple of pages, but I think these will be made available.
Mr. Bezan, yes?