We talk about a lot of money from the federal government, and the provincial government is kicking in once in a while. We appreciate that. But one thing--and I know a zero is nothing--is that most of the time they forget a zero behind most of the numbers: $1 billion should be $10 billion.
After hitting a mid-life crisis, I left a government job in Holland and started hog farming 12 years ago. I started with about a $500,000 debt and now have a $750,000 to $800,000 debt. I'm still farming because some people have certain trust in me, but it's not all in my control.
But I mean, we need money, as he said. Some debt has to be forgiven, otherwise we cannot keep going. From $500,000 to $800,000 in debt in 12 years' time doesn't make sense. That's not how we farm. I'm still farming, but for how long I don't know.
That debt does not make sense. We need forgiveness from a lot of loans. FCC is a federal operation; let them kick in and forgive 50% or 100% of our debt. Third world countries have debts like that, and they should forgive the debts of third world countries, so they can start from scratch and go from there.
We need forgiveness of loans. We cannot keep going like this; it's too much. It's hanging above all of our heads. No one is excluded; it's everybody.