Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and welcome to committee members. We too appreciate this opportunity to bend your ear on a few of the issues, as we see them, as a fledgling start-up company in the biofuel business.
We certainly recognize that a strong agricultural policy framework is a very necessary and significant tool for guiding Canadian agriculture toward the next century. Certainly the themes that have been identified, of business risk management, market development and trade, environment, food safety and quality, renewal, and innovation and science, all capture the essence of the challenges that will face agricultural stakeholders in the years to come. However, from our experience, there's a cautionary note that this be not used as an excuse to create a monolithic agriculture industry in the country.
Canadians are proud of their multicultural heritage, and this is recognized as part of the central government psyche in Ottawa. It is therefore somewhat disconcerting to us that the same central body of bureaucratic thought that's centralized in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada cannot recognize that Canadian agriculture is multi-climatic. Certainly we can have national policies, but we must have regional programming and, perhaps more importantly, local delivery to fully exploit the potential of each of the micro-climatic areas that exist within this great country, and more definitely within Atlantic Canada. Certainly the climates between the upper Saint John River Valley of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia are as vastly different as they are across the country.
As a recent example, previous Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada policies, through an organization referred to as the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, essentially eliminated N.B. and P.E.I.'s birthright as the largest potato-producing area in Canada by irrigating vast parts of Manitoba and Alberta, while these eastern provinces, in the cradle of Confederation, were denied any similar funding to remove their natural impediment, which is wet, acid soils. Currently, this same organization is attempting to irrigate and reforest much of the arable land in the region. So an effective agricultural policy framework must have the flexibility to identify local opportunities and build on their strengths.
The bio-economy can be an important element of agricultural policy because it holds a partial solution to petroleum's problems, namely that this resource is finite and it is increasingly expensive to extract, and there is strong evidence that fossil fuels contribute to global climate change. However, this does not mean that we can forsake the other pillars of the agricultural policy framework as mentioned and move forward.
We have a couple of comments on each of these that we'd like to submit.
On the business risk management side, certainly we need support for those industries that do not have supply management and are facing things like subsidies in other countries, currency exchange differences, open market trading, and more importantly, political instability. Business risk management must include some sort of crop insurance, like we have for random weather and pest occurrences. This is actually probably going to be more important if we believe some of the people on global warming, that we're going to have more extremes of climatic events. Certainly, risk against that is not really fair to be taken out of the averaged income formulas that are familiar with CAIS and NISA. They're separate issues.
Whatever the forum, business risk management programs that are put forth must be timely and they need to be predictable. You simply cannot make investments or secure creditor confidence on something that's a year or more in coming and you never know what you have.
Trade and development is just part of doing good business, but Canadian agriculture must have equal access to production technologies, such as chemicals, to be competitive in the global market. We cannot be expected to produce safe, quality food for the same as or less than that which can be imported from other countries using chemicals and technologies, and even social practices, that we don't accept in Canada. We must maintain a level playing field in our trading policies, and to some extent even within Canada.
Food safety and quality is very important. Canadians are increasingly concerned about the impact of animal and plant health on human health and the environment. Moreover, health issues are growing in importance, and food has a central role to play in our overall health strategy.
However, the Canadian farmer must be rewarded for any extra costs associated with embracing environmentally sustainable production and minimizing the impact of plant and animal diseases while providing a safe supply of food to Canadians. Such an increased return has not yet been realized by the primary producer. In fact, it's simply another one of the things you must do if you want to sell, and there are no mechanisms to recover this.
On the renewal side of things, yes, the real value of agricultural production has tripled over the last 45 years and the number of farms have been halved. Unfortunately, this trend is probably going to continue as it has throughout history. However, for a labour-challenged industry, we believe renewal programs should not encourage an exodus of highly skilled workers from the agricultural industry. Future programs should provide only targeted assistance designed to encourage retention of this talent, which is a human resource in the agricultural industry, and encourage new participants.
On the innovation and science side of things, technology development programs should not be restricted by arbitrary enterprise maximums. We've found it difficult when there's been a certain cap, regardless of the scale and size and gross output. And I think it should be recognized in much of the policy that these caps in technology development, science, and research that's carried on at the farm should be scaled to the size of the operation. The larger operations can sustain new technologies and development and support the ultimate use of it by the smaller operators. It's inequitable to have these things arbitrarily capped on a per-farm-unit basis when it comes to innovation.
Furthermore, Canada's slow approval process for new products is hindering research and development of many things, like the bio-pesticides we're working on with mustard. Simply, the hoops that you have to jump through are...I'm not going to say insurmountable, but certainly friends in other countries don't face those same delays over what appears to be petty bureaucratic processes.
On the environment side, similar to the food safety issue, I think farmers must be provided with a fair return if they're expected to provide ecological goods and services to the country. And that may be part of a best business risk management program. You simply can't legislate that the farmer must stay so many feet away from a brook or a stream or plant trees for the good of the country unless there's a return in the marketplace.
More importantly, I have a few comments on the renewable fuels side, which we feel is perhaps our best area we see at the moment.
We would like to point out that we are, as small as we are, Canada's only fully integrated biodiesel producer. When we say “fully integrated”, we mean where the shareholders grow the crop, process the crop, and sell the crop. So that gives us a slightly different perspective, aside from our small scale and our small size, than that of most of the other messages you've heard from our big friends out west.
One of the things that are befuddling this industry is, of course, that biodiesel is not ethanol. There's a real danger for this potential commodity to get swept up in the food versus fuel debate over ethanol and corn. I would like to remind the committee that 81% of the well-to-wheel energy in biodiesel is renewable. And biodiesel, unfortunately, is at least two years behind ethanol in policy development, commercialization, and research and development. So we need a bit of time to catch up that component.
It does have a real potential. Canola, in particular, is Canada's highest-yielding crop and has a real potential to remove carbon dioxide and improve the greenhouse gas environment. For example, vegetable oils can reduce 64% to 92% of greenhouse gas emissions compared to petroleum diesel. A 20% blend of biodiesel with petroleum diesel reduces 12% to 18% of greenhouse gas emissions. And a simple 2% blend of biodiesel with petroleum will reduce between 1% and 2% of greenhouse gas. Canola in Canada has double the kilometres per hectare of corn.
In closing, we must remember that politics, not economics, brought us this industry. We believe that Atlantic Canada, again, needs a special look and consideration in the policy so that we don't get lost in the big-scale economics. We have potential in this region and need a unique policy when it comes to the renewable fuel strategy for Canada.
Once again, Mr. Chairman, I thank you for the opportunity to share our thoughts with you and open some discussion.