Thank you very much for being here. It's a pleasure for me once again to visit your beautiful province. I was here a couple of years ago in the summer. It was a little greener then than now, but it's nice to be back here.
Mr. Speer, I'd like to throw some questions at you specifically, and then maybe I'd also like to give an opportunity for Madam Cormier and Mr. London to give some comments, and maybe others. I'll just throw some questions out, and then we'll take it from there.
Specifically, you talked about the dairy industry and you talked about debt, and yet the dairy industry, we're led to believe, is one of the most successful in Canada, as far as stable income is concerned, because of supply management. So I'd be interested to see how debt figures in there.
We talked about the pursuit of 31 combines that Barry mentioned. The allusion is that we have to get bigger and we have to move with the stream and really go big if we want to remain competitive, and we need more research, and that whole model. Yet yesterday when we discussed this in Charlottetown, we were presented with what might be a different model, based on small communities, the survival of our rural economy and rural farms. The implication was that if we go big, maybe this would eventually spell the death of our small communities and life as we know it.
Many say—and this is the other point I've heard, and especially in the west—that our farmers are already the best. I believe also, Mr. Kilfoil, you mentioned that there is success, that farmers are good business people. So the idea that we need more training and more evaluation and skills maybe is not correct. The farmers are the best because they've managed to survive. I think you mentioned that. So what we need is some kind of support, and I'd like some comment on that.
Then there's the whole framework of what direction we are actually going in, in Canada: is it to compete in this global WTO-driven market, or should our direction be shifted a bit to ensure our food security, ensure a safe food supply and open and sustainable markets for our farmers, and the survival of our rural communities?
That's a lot of questions to answer in a couple of minutes, but if you wouldn't mind trying, I'd appreciate that.