Thanks, Mr. Chair. I want to take a little different tack.
I hear what Vince said. In fact, I wrote a report on trying to achieve income out of the marketplace. But the reality is that with the WTO in the tank—it may be revived, I don't know. I've sat in on some meetings with the United States farmers. They'll come to the table and they'll say, we don't give a damn about the rest of the world, but we want you to support us; we want our farm to be maintained at our farm gate. They don't give a damn whether the money comes out of the mailbox or where it comes from. I don't know whether it's something we drink in our water, but my God, as Canadians we're pure; we're absolutely pure, and it shows in government policy.
But on Ray's point on U.S. blenders credit for biodiesel, is that on top of the 20¢ incentive that matches our own that they're putting in? It's a tie-up?