The Americans, who are also my neighbours, have understood what food sovereignty is. They offer assistance for transportation, which is free on the river. Their army does drainage for producers. We should have their patriotism. I don't mean to praise them, but the Americans subsidize their agriculture because they've understood that they have to produce food to feed their country. When they see they're short of oil, they go get it elsewhere.
Perhaps we should close up a little more and group the people who are already in place together, instead of undoing our country by impeding agriculture and reducing subsidies, regardless of the meaning given to that word. The Americans understood this before us. They passed the Farm Bill and increased direct and indirect subsidies, which will benefit them in the years to come.
One indirect way or another should be found, one that is not prohibited by MPs, to assist agriculture in the regions and in all provinces, based on the specific characteristics of each province. The west is devoted to cattle breeding, and the east is multifunctional. There are also other specific characteristics. We should head in that direction soon.