So the bottom line is that really there should be strong federal government input into research at the primary production level, in terms of both the research station capacity for discovery research and in terms of the genetic project that you're just seeing cancelled. You have said it's internationally known, that it's opening up markets, etc.
So this is certainly an area for the federal—and we're hearing a lot of that. We're hearing “research and development” everywhere we go, and that it should be public research at the primary production level.
The last question goes to Mr. Proulx. You said all imported food products should respect the same norms our producers respect. I think you gave the example of pork. Do you have others? This is something we've heard in every province we've been in as well, that Canadians are regulated under certain food and safety standards, yet products from other countries that are produced differently are allowed in. Do you want to speak on that a little bit?