Bonjour. I'll do my presentation in French, but just before starting, I want to tell you I will be showing some graphics, and I'll go to certain pages in my presentation so I can talk about them.
Good afternoon and welcome to Quebec.
I am the President of the Ontario-Quebec Grain Farmers' Coalition. The Coalition represents more than 41,000 grain and oilseed farmers in Ontario and Quebec. In Ontario there are seven organizations, and in Quebec, we have the Federation of Quebec Producers of Cash Crops.
G&O producers need the predictability of an income support program that is paid out only when prices fall below an agreed upon floor price per bushel. CAIS is an income stabilization program which does not work for G&O producers. Prices for grains and oilseeds have been stagnant for quite a few years, and this has caused a reduction in the reference margins. As we know, the CAIS works when there are price fluctuations, and when prices subsequently recover. Clearly, this program is not working for grain and oilseed producers.
Let me explain the problem.
Unfair international subsidies mean that Canadian G&O producers face consistently declining incomes. In addition, these subsidies do not trigger payments under the CAIS program. Under the proposed income-support program, the payment is triggered only when prices fall below an agreed upon floor price per bushel.
The grain and oilseed sector is facing a challenge. Here is what we suggest.
Our Coalition is concerned that current efforts underway to modify CAIS still ignore the fundamental challenges faced by G&O producers with the CAIS program. The CAIS is an income stabilization program that benefits price cyclical agricultural sectors based on production margins and penalizes grain and oilseed producers. G&O producers need an income support program that provides income predictability despite persistent income pressures due to unfair international subsidies. The program must also take into account the fact that farmers who face consecutive years of low income are ineligible to trigger payments under the CAIS program.
On page 6, we present some figures for Ontario. We can see the drop in reference margins for producers. These figures are from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Farmers with the lowest sales experience the greatest drop in their reference margin.
Page 7 is a chart that shows the trend which explains why the program does not work for grain and oilseed producers. Once again, these figures are for Ontario.
Page 8 present figures for smaller farms. It shows how the reference margin has dropped in this sector since 1999. The study was done in Ontario as well. We will come back to it.
Page 9 is very important. The chart shows the dramatic drop in farm revenues. The comparison is with the United States and the number are in constant dollars. It shows that since 1981, the Americans have experienced an increase in net farm revenue while the farm revenues in Canada have decreased. This is of great concern for the future of farming in Canada.
Page 10 shows the trend in total farm debt. In the long term, this is what will be the determining factor for agriculture. If the debt level is too high, farms will not be able to recover when a situation improves a little. We see that in the early 80s, the United States experienced a crisis in agriculture because of the high level of debt. At the moment, farm debt in Canada is much higher than that of the United States. Farmers in Canada have higher debts than their American counterparts, and we really do not have the same type of programs to help people pay down their debt.
What are the current market conditions?
Recent optimism over increased prices is not shared by producers, at least in part. Recent crop price increases are offset by cost of production increases. Current corn prices are $3.60 a bushel, which is 65¢ below the cost of production.
The media widely reported a $4.50 per bushel price for corn, but this price was available for only one day in March 2007. This was not enough to increase our margins.
Prices have dropped dramatically since the announced increase in acreage in the United States on March 27 and 28. We propose that a national income support program with regional flexibility that provides G&O producers with long-term income stability and predictability be introduced. We also recommend the introduction of companion programming that would provide long-term, bankable solutions to farmers, shared costs and risks by government and farmers and financial assistance only when the average world price falls below a target price.
The companion programs would use an insurance-based model. In Ontario, it is the Risk Management Program, and in Quebec, it is the Programme d'assurance stabilisation des revenus agricoles (Farm Income Stabilization Insurance Program), or ASRA. These programs are funded by premiums paid by farmers and both levels of government. Producers supply one-third of total funding. At the very least, we want federal and provincial governments to invest the remaining two-thirds based on a 60-40 formula. That is not the case at the moment, but that is what we are calling for. The funds would be distributed only when needed.
The budget of March 19 is a step in the right direction. First, it gives $600 million to the contributory style savings account, which makes CAIS more predictable and bankable, but does not meet our needs. At the first level of the old NISA program, for example, when income is stagnant, there is very little help for low-income producers. There is some help, but it does not really solve the problem. Second, the $400 million for cost of production support is a very positive step and needs to have regional flexibility to properly address diverse needs. Ad hoc based on ENS (eligible net sales) do not address the problem and in some cases make it worse.
Some organizations support our companion programs. I will like to quote what the President of the CFA, Bob Friesen, said:
The CFA is committed to the principle of federally-provincially funded companion programs that offer regional flexibility to fill the gaps not addressed by CAIS and other national Business Risk Management Programs.
The president of the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan, Ken McBride, also said:
Companion programs are tools that should be used to level the playing field in Canada with respect to regional issues, without creating regional disadvantages.
Laurent Pellerin, the President of the UPA, is also in favour of companion programs. He said:
In order to offset the impact of the Farm Bill, the federal government absolutely has to make funds available to finance national companion programs that can be used to meet regional needs.
In closing, the Ontario-Quebec Grain Farmers' Coalition looks forward to working with the government to develop innovative income support programs that meet the diverse needs of Canadian farmers.
Thank you.