I take it that is not an invitation!
We appreciate that Canada is a huge country and one that has diverse agricultural sectors and diverse production frameworks.
In Quebec, we have a history of favouring supply management. This means that we operate within a defined framework. As a general rule, supply-managed sectors outperform the others.
However, some sectors face greater onus on export commodities—and that is fine. Nonetheless, it is a distinction that the Canadian government must recognize. If the government wants to unite all Canadian producers, that is something that has to be done.
We are back here before you today with another presentation. We have probably aged a few years since we last saw you, but our problems remain essentially unchanged. We had reservations. When we appeared before the committee during the first consultations, there was much talk of meeting our needs. There was a lot of talk about targeted programming. I have to say, however, that we were bitterly disappointed when, after having analyzed and unpecked the programs, we realized that such an approach would take us where we have ended up today. We saw it coming. Although we are happy to address the matter again today, it has to be noted, as William also pointed out, that since then Canadian and Quebec agricultural enterprise owners have seen their economic plight worsen and their debt increase. Although it pains me to say so, it was the end of the farmer that I once was.
Even when prices improve, we will still be burdened by the debt that we have built up over the past few years. Competitively speaking, we will not be on an equal footing on the export markets, among others, before we rid ourselves of the baggage that has built up over the past few years.
That is why, Mr. Bellavance, the focus must be on the issues and needs raised by the regions and provinces. We accept the importance of working within the parameters of the Canadian approach. What we are looking for is adaptability, complementarity and flexibility.
We greatly appreciate the financial support provided by the Canadian government. it is important to ensure that this money will be earmarked for addressing specific needs in order to improve the situation.