Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this forum.
Welcome to Perth County, one of the most productive counties in Ontario. Perth County has gross farm receipts of $560 million, more than the provinces of Newfoundland, P.E.I., New Brunswick, or Nova Scotia.
Agriculture employs close to 30% of the county's workforce, with 1.26 people employed in related industries for every person on the farm. This generates $1.52 in sales to agriculture-related businesses for every dollar earned at the farm gate.
My wife and I have a partnership with my brother and sister-in-law in which we milk 150 cows, raise all the young stock, including the veal, and crop approximately 500 acres.
As president of the Perth County Federation, I represent 1,700 farm business members. I will focus on the business risk management pillar, but would also like to touch on the others as well. For business risk management, my presentation will be conceptual in nature, as opposed to being focused on details.
There has been much discussion on what has and hasn't work in the current suite of programming. In order to develop a comprehensive set of programs for the future that will be agreeable to producers as well as to government, we need to first determine what we want to accomplish. Producers are looking for programs they can count on when they need them. “Predictable” and “bankable” are terms often heard in this regard. They do not want to have to lobby for improvements after the programs have not lived up to expectations. Producers do not deserve to have to live with the anxiety and uncertainty that comes with not getting what they felt they should have from a program.
By the same token, I doubt government deliberately attempts to put forth programs that put producers in positions of hardship, thereby forcing them to be on the government's doorstep on a continual basis looking for upgrades and improvements to programs that were developed to be comprehensive and all-encompassing. Maybe I'm not cynical enough, but I would think that government develops programs to solve problems, not create them.
I think the government needs to be more deliberate in its approach. There needs to be a clear understanding by all parties of what the program is designed to accomplish. I foresee a tiered approach to programming, with each tier addressing different timelines and severities of impacts. There needs to be a disaster program that deals with sharp and immediate impacts, such as BSE or floods, for example. Although funding of these events is hard to forecast, contingency funds need to be in place so that reaction is fast and unquestioned in their support of agriculture.
Business risk management, by definition, would be protecting your business from unforeseen circumstances. In doing this, most producers use insurance diversification and other mechanisms to protect themselves. However, there is still the necessity for government to assist with circumstances that are not covered.
Production insurance has long been a part of our toolbox and I think producers have traditionally made good use of it. There is opportunity to expand production insurance to cover more commodities and to cover more perils, such as disease. As far as government investment, I believe this returns good protection for the dollars invested.
The goal of an income stabilization program should be to assist a producer to move from one reality to another. By this I mean that as a producer encounters an event, then learns to deal with it and attempts to overcome it, there needs to be support available to assist them. However, after a number of years there needs to be an adjustment to the new market forces at play.
I'll use BSE as an example. Initially there was a massive and immediate reduction in income. An adequate disaster program would assist this radical adjustment. Then, as time moved on, we have seen varying degrees of recovery in the market. We are now almost to the point where we can say that we are dealing with a new market reality where producers can and must fully evaluate their options for the future. To be effective, an income stabilization program must assist producers in reaching this point.
The final tier of support comes into play if this new reality is unsustainable for an entire sector, either because of a dysfunctional market, distortion of the market by foreign subsidies, or whatever the case may be. The income support tier would support producers for the longer term. In this tier there needs to be a clear decision and commitment by government to support a sector that is not in a sustainable net income trend.
Whether the justification is a whole farm support policy or a national food sovereignty policy, or just a long-term bridge for a market that will return to sustainability, the support needs to be clear and unwavering.
If the government decides that support for this particular sector or commodity is not in the best interests of Canadians, then that too needs to be clearly communicated so that those involved can make the required decisions on their operations, as opposed to reducing their equity with the hope that the government will some day come through for them.
Within this whole suite of programming, there need to be some underlying parameters. The potential for profitability must be ingrained in the suite of programs. The programs need to be clear. They need to be reasonably uncomplicated so that they are both easily understood by producers, and so they are easy to administer, so as not to lose valuable resources in administration costs.
Producers need to be informed as to why they did or did not qualify for assistance under any or all tiers. If there is some form of interconnection between programs, there should never be a clawback of funding. There should be an opportunity for provincial governments to enact companion programming to address regional needs. There may be opportunity at times to mimic foreign policy to avoid the threat of trade action, even if there isn't the capacity to match the commitment.
Producers in all sectors have been dealing with tight, and sometimes negative, margins. The morale and enthusiasm in the entire sector has taken a beating. I think government has a real opportunity to bring that back with programming that producers can trust and rely on.
In Ontario, the environmental farm plan has been in existence for close to 15 years. It has been instrumental in improving agriculture's impact on the environment and water sources. Updated versions have addressed changes in what are considered new standards, for instance, in hydro usage and conservation, and sound and smell awareness. Having just completed an EFP workbook on Tuesday, I can say first-hand that it is a very in-depth look at how we and our farm interact with the environment, water supply, and indeed all of society around us.
I think the environmental farm plan needs to be a permanent part of agricultural programming at the federal level. Commitment for this program needs to be clear through an entire transition from one APF to the next version of the APF, with no gaps. This program has, in my mind, the capability of being the vehicle for a broad range of public investment towards land stewardship initiatives, source water protection demands, and a whole host of things that agriculture can assist all of society with in our attempt to reduce our collective impact on the world around us.
I must emphasize the fact that any service or improvement that benefits all of society must be significantly cost-shared by all of society. I would also like to stress that if you want producers to be willing participants and truly forthcoming in some of their shortcomings, then the workbook must be kept confidential once it's completed.
Innovation and renewal: If you look up innovation in the dictionary, I'm sure you'll see “farmer” listed as one of the synonyms. I find so often that in an attempt to assist in innovation, governments tend to re-study what some are already doing. Instead of reinventing the wheel, I think removing the chocks and allowing farmers to help direct where they need assistance would better foster innovation. There are some really astute individuals in agriculture who, given the chance, could really excel in driving innovation forward.
The idea of the renewal pillar was very forward thinking when it was first developed. However, I think some serious issues need to be addressed. Having just completed a succession in our business, I have some first-hand experience with how some of the programming works, or, more specifically, doesn't work. I think our accountant benefited most from the CFBAS grant, the Canadian farm business advisory services grant. If you have advisers who are accredited under the program, then it should not be necessary for bureaucrats to pre-approve what you are trying to accomplish. It definitely shouldn't be a requirement that the entire plan be completed and approved before you start on implementation. Often the two are intertwined, and this resulted in a lot of positioning in order to stay compliant with the funding criteria. This wasted valuable time--and when dealing with a chartered accountant, I do mean valuable. The delays also created opportunity for other issues to fester and create problems and anxiety that still exist, and will for some time, making family relations difficult.
If you have accredited individuals, you need to let them run with it and deal with every situation individually. When the process is complete, you can have the opportunity to assess whether all aspects comply, but every attempt must be made not to delay the process for each operation.