On the recent announcement, we recognize that all the details haven't been worked out. We're going to be very interested in knowing exactly where the program is going once those details are worked out. But going to an entitlement program for the top tier or the stabilization tier of CAIS--which is the top 15% or the first 15% of your margin decline--is not going to mean a whole lot of money to any one producer across the country. Overall it's going to be a lot of money, but in throwing it across the country and giving everybody a little bit, I'm not sure what problems it's going to address.
It doesn't address need. It's entitlement, and I think government needs to be looking at programs that really address need. CAIS, despite its flaws, did try to address need across the whole farm picture. We recognize that and have recommended some changes to the CAIS program that need to be made in order to make it more effective and to better address need.
We are also concerned about this entitlement program. The beef industry is very dependent on trade. Depending on what our amber allowance is in the future, we are concerned that an entitlement payment could be going into that amber box. That amber box could get full pretty fast. That would create real problems for an industry like ours, which is very trade-dependent.