Good afternoon, and thank you for allowing us this brief opportunity to discuss the APF as it pertains to the fruit and vegetable farmers in Ontario.
My name is Art Smith. I'm the CEO of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association. We're a provincial organization comprised of 28 individual fruit and vegetable grower groups and marketing boards. Our total farmer membership is approximately 7,500 and we have an economic value in this province of about $1.3 billion to $1.4 billion farm gate.
The first issue I wish to discuss today is that of the self-directed risk management program. We are seeking your support for the extension of our self-directed risk management program, referred to as SDRM, to cover the 2006 and 2007 crop years. It's horticulture's alternative to production insurance and has been utilized extensively by Ontario fruit and vegetable growers for the past decade.
At this point, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is refusing to extend this program, leaving many of our growers without any form of crop insurance coverage. A promise and guiding principle of the current APF, which commenced in 2003, is that all crops grown in Canada would have access to both CAIS and production insurance, yet this promise has not been fulfilled. In fact, there has been little if any development of new production insurance programs in our commodity here in Ontario.
We are now into the fifth and final year of the APF 1, yet we still have no crop insurance coverage on many of the fruit and vegetable crops that we grow. Presently, the government is working on a pilot program for the fresh vegetable sector; however, that will be limited to 50 farmers in 2007.
Is this the fault of the fruit and vegetable growers? Not at all. It is the role of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food to develop and deliver these programs; it is not the farmers' role. If there is no change to the current position, it will be our farmers who will carry the burden of insufficient production insurance programming.
When the APF was initiated, it was known that the development of new production insurance for horticulture was not going to be easy. Horticulture does not fit a production insurance mould that was produced primarily for the grains and oilseeds sector. It was for that reason that SDRM was developed in the mid-1990s and extended to cover 2003, 2004, and 2005. It is also the reason that prompted the then Minister of Agriculture to write to our industry, saying the following:
The APF is performance-based and so, if governments and industry together cannot deliver on a commitment we will be obliged to look at alternatives. Before the end of three years, industry and governments will take stock of what insurance products have been developed to meet risks. If the products have fallen short, the scope may need to be broadened and alternatives, such as self-directed risk management or variations, may need to be considered.
That commitment, however, is being ignored, and it is one of the reasons we are here today to seek your support in overcoming this inequity. We are not asking for anything more than for the government of this country to follow through on a commitment made at the outset of APF 1, that all producers across this country have access to both CAIS and production insurance, and if a program could not be developed by the end of three years--and one has not been--then a program such as SDRM needs to be considered.
We believe that the government has made a commitment to our industry and that it has a moral obligation to follow through on that very commitment. While government will tell us that SDRM is not production insurance because it is not premium-based, SDRM, in the minds of the growers, growers without crop insurance, is comparable to production insurance, and our members need some form of coverage, traditional or otherwise.
We believe it is unacceptable to our members that SDRM, their form of crop insurance, has been taken away and replaced with nothing more than broken or empty promises of production insurance coverage.
Our request for the federal government to contribute their 60% share to the extension of SDRM would fulfill the government's commitment that was made to our industry at the outset. It does not give our industry any more coverage than what other crop producers already have and take for granted. It does not guarantee prices for market. It is simply a workable alternative to production insurance.
As a signatory to the APF, the Ontario government has recognized both the commitment made and its obligations to follow through on that commitment. It has already committed to share the funding toward an SDRM extension to cover crop years 2006 and 2007. We need the federal government to do the same, to extend its share of funding for SDRM for 2006 and 2007 and until such a time as suitable production insurance is developed for all of our farmers. The federal government needs to honour the commitment, made to our industry at the outset of APF 1, that all producers of all crops have some form of production insurance coverage.
I think you'll agree that we are not asking for much in the way of dollars. The cost to the federal government is approximately $7 million annually. What we are asking for is that the government deliver on its commitment to our farmers.
Even without crop insurance, the fruit and vegetable industry has become one of the greatest innovators in agriculture in Canada. We derive our living from the marketplace, where we continue to see our future. However, it requires the assistance of government that is willing to understand the unique needs and assets horticultural brings to the table.
One such example would be a Canada-wide school snack program. Obesity is increasing at an alarming rate and is regarded as one of the greatest threats facing today's youth. According to scientists, today's younger generation will on average be the first in the history of civilization not to live as long as their parents. The cause is obesity.
We know that this trend can be stopped, but it will require a change in the eating habits of our population. This problem is not unique to Canada, and in other jurisdictions steps have been taken to remedy the situation. School programs have been implemented. More traditional fast foods have been replaced with nutritious foods. Fresh fruit and vegetables are used as snacks instead of candy, pop, and fatty foods.
The results are most encouraging. Altering the eating habits of the young has been shown to improve their attentiveness and learning ability in school. It will reduce the strain on the health care system, and at the same time, it will open up a market for farmers across Canada. We're currently involved in a program that has shown that the fruit and vegetables grown here in Ontario are diverse enough and available long enough to supply schools with fresh Canadian products year round.
We urge the government to strongly consider involvement in such programming across all of Canada. The children win, the health care system wins, and the education system wins, as do the farmers. It is truly a win-win situation.
Regarding CORD funding, for more than a decade the federal and Ontario governments have funded CORD programming together. The most current program, CORD-4, will terminate on March 31, 2008. These programs have enabled commodity groups to do essential research and market development work. Without these programs, many of the commodities grown in this country, especially fruit and vegetable crops, would not have any means to carry on this much-needed work.
What is also needed is a longer time period for this type of programming. Most scientific research requires a long-term commitment and cannot be effective if funding is continually in question. We strongly recommend that this program be continued throughout APF 2 and committed to as soon as possible, so that the plans can be made in advance.
With regard to research and innovation, global trade has and will continue to create pricing challenges for our farmers. Research and innovation will be one of the keys to an economically viable industry in the future. Governments need to play a key role in funding this research.
The fruit and vegetable industry in Canada is so diverse that many of our crops, although extremely important, have relatively small farm gate values. For example, the farm gate value of the strawberry crop in Ontario is $15 million. Many other crops are even less. Clearly there is little money that can be generated from the marketplace to deal with meaningful research and innovation. It is one of the differences between the fruit and vegetable industry and the grains and oilseeds sector, where a single crop can be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
We strongly recommend that the governments of this country commit to significant funding of research and innovation.
In the interest of time, I have a number of other points that you've already heard this morning, so I am not going to repeat them. They have to do with market access programming, buy Canadian programming, and enhanced funding for the environmental farm plan.
I would like to make a concluding comment. Safety nets and ad hoc programming are very important, but we believe that as an industry, as a sector, there is more to be gained from accessing a strong marketplace than from a reliance on ad hoc government programming. It is why we are here today to seek your support in those areas that will make a difference and will add to the long-term sustainability of our industry and help to preserve what is the world's most secure and safest food system.
Thank you. We look forward to your comments.