With regard to a national crop insurance program, there are forms of crop insurance across all of Canada.
Our diversity in Ontario has led to one of the problems, and we've never had crop insurance for many of our crops. Crop insurance tends to work better where you have a processing crop, where there's third party verification of your sales. On the fresh side of that, you don't have that.
SDRM, which is what we've used for over 10 years now, works extremely well. It's very adaptable and can be adapted across Canada instantly—and not only in the fruit and vegetable sector, but it can be adapted by some of our meat people as well. And they're looking at this and saying, hey, this would work for us. It is a form of self insurance, where you put a dollar in and the government matches it, and it sits in that account. It's very similar to the old NISA account. And you know what? When you have that problem—and it can be triggered by weather—boom, there's your money. And it's very simple.