We'll definitely make our recommendations to the House of Commons and let government consider them in the APF deliberations.
I have a couple of questions.
A couple of times today it's come out that nobody wants ad hoc payments; you guys don't like ad hoc programs. I'm a cattle producer, and I know that during the BSE crisis some of those ad hoc payments came in a timely manner and in a much-needed manner.
In some of what we heard this morning it was said that CAIS doesn't address the need and that CAIS and all the other hodge-podge programs that are out there, which are pretty much permanent types of programs, don't flow in a timely manner, maybe with the exception of production insurance.
I know from historical fact that when there have been droughts and there have been acreage payments, they got out to the farmers quickly. They addressed the need that was out there and were delivered very efficiently. Not a lot of administration eats up those ad hoc programs, so I'm wondering why there is such a dislike for ad hoc programs that can be delivered in such a timely manner.
I'll ask Mr. Smith, then Mr. Tuinema, and then Mr. Mountjoy.