I don't think the Auditor General has anything to say on this because she hasn't been asked to look into it.
Originallly, on this program we thought that up to 19,000 people would apply. It turned out 17,000 applied. So we weren't far off. It wasn't a debacle. It was very much in the order of what we thought.
I think the program did serve a purpose and does serve a purpose. I think in the evaluation that will come at the end of this second year, we'll be able to have a good analysis of it. It is a pilot project; it was announced as a pilot project.
Clearly, what farmers said to us, what industry leaders said to us, and what members of Parliament said to me was they felt this money would be better spent--and it's not like it's going into a bank account--on a farmers' savings program and a cost of production element for two things, and then a series of other programming that we will announce over the next few weeks that will specifically help farmers and farm communities.