I can take a stab at this.
First, before I speak, I should introduce Dr. Gravel, since this is a bit impromptu, and Krista Mountjoy, who is the vice-president of the programs at the CFIA.
On the issue of beef, cow, sheep, and compensation, the responsibility of the CFIA is when there is action to be taken and we need to depopulate, or we need to essentially put down animals as a result of a quarantine illness or something that fits the parameters of our regulation and legislation, compensation will be paid. So there's a schedule for that, and compensation is paid. So that's one point.
In terms of what I would call resuming market and movement of species—sheep, goats, cattle—as you know, there's a rule right now, so there's movement of cattle to the U.S. Hopefully, we're going to get a second rule, which will remove the limitations in terms of age, the cattle that can move down. More recently, over the last couple of months, we've been working at putting in place a regulatory regime between Canada and the U.S. that will facilitate movement of sheep and goats, as an example. So I'm not addressing the issue of compensation per se, but we're talking here about efforts that the CFIA and the minister have put forward in resuming better market access, both to the Americans, frankly, and Canada. These things are milling their way through the system.
Some regulatory authority is needed, and things of that nature, but we've been proactive at this, and frankly we've been doing this with the industry. The industry is aware of that and has been very supportive.