Thank you.
As has been indicated in previous statements by Dr. Gravel, it is fully anticipated that our surveillance system will continue to find singleton animals as we move towards eradication. The restoration of our market access is based on that recognition by other countries who have come to Canada, audited and assessed our system, and looked at the controls from a feed and traceability perspective. To this point in time, with specific reference to the most recent scenario, which was confirmed yesterday, there has been no movement at the international level whatsoever. The international community, not unanimously but progressively, is coming to the realization that with the measures already in place, the finding of these animals has no impact on the safety of our products for certification in accordance with international standards. We would prefer it was unanimous, but it's not.
Internationally, we are seeing movement away from a knee-jerk response to the finding of another case of BSE. Because of the long incubation period of the disease--on average four to seven years--to this point in time all the animals detected in Canada were born prior to 2002. We've had no animals born in the last five years, based on our surveillance system. The international community is looking at saying you can continue to find those animals that were already out there; we want to be assured that the robust and vigilant nature of your measures are in fact continuing to manage that at the effective level so you can meet your international certification obligations. As I say, we've not had any reports from any of our posts abroad or any of our trading partners that the finding of this case in any way has changed their thinking about the credible efforts that Canada has made and the transparency it has brought to the international community.