Several of my colleagues have been asking questions around issues of food safety and foodstuffs that are being brought into Canada and further processed, questions around standards in other countries.
What I'm trying to figure out is that somewhere there's an overlap in jurisdiction between what the CFIA would do and what Health Canada would do in terms of looking after food safety for Canadians. I'm wondering if, in your view, that situation is clear. Is there a need for that to be reviewed? Is there a need for that to be structured in a different way? Are there things that are falling between the cracks?
We've heard the examples of the Chinese cucumbers that become Canadian pickles. There are the olives, and you used the example of peanuts.
But also, you were saying you were concerned that certain meat products coming into Canada may have a disease that could be passed on to other Canadian animals--and that's an agricultural connection. But in terms of how that links to human health, do you manage all of that? What is Health Canada's role? Is it structured the way it should be now?