To go back to your question about who's driving innovation, we're the drivers. We have producer organizations across the country that are very vocal and make their opinions known. We receive letters on a daily basis about what they see as priorities for their producers, their members. We take this into account. We take into account the consultations we've done, the consultations that are going on at the moment with the next generation of agricultural policy.
We also fund producer/processor organizations. I'm thinking of Soy 20/20, Flax 2015, and the Potato Innovation Network. These are organizations where producers are intimately involved. They're developing their own plan for their sector. We're funding this through the broker program at AAFC. We're providing the funds to help them to develop those plans that are driven by the base, by the farmers and the producers in collaboration with the processors.
These plans have not been designed by someone else. They are their plans. And we're helping them to develop those. We can help them, put our expertise at their service through the MII program, the matching investment initiative program that I was mentioning before. So they design their plan, and we're there to help them to develop technologies or develop new products.