Anyway, that's what I mean. Put your hand up when you want to say, “Barry, I agree. We should defeat this thing and we should talk about these other topics that you're putting forward.”
I talked about a young farmers' capital assistance program. I've heard about Quebec. My second idea was maybe coming up with some ideas to help our genetics exporters from Canada. A third idea that I think is really timely and compelling and may in fact grab the attention of my colleagues is the whole area of biofuels. I mean, the government is doing a lot on biofuels already, and it's creating interesting opportunities for Canadian farmers. In Ontario, anyway, it seems to be mostly the corn producers who are directly involved with it at this point, but we're hoping in the future there are other crops that will also become more involved in Ontario.
Two weeks ago, when we were in Washington, it was interesting to hear all the discussion about biofuels down there and the impact the U.S. Farm Bill would have on that, but I think that's another area. Maybe we should be coming up with a proposal for the minister and for the government, saying, listen, this is an exciting opportunity for Canadian farmers, biofuel research. Maybe we should be working on that. Maybe we should be encouraging the minister to direct a portion of the funds that are being saved with the changes to the farm families options program and put it towards a biofuels strategy. That's something that would help farmers across the country. It's a positive thing for the environment as well if we use biofuels instead of fossil fuels. I think that's another place where we could make a positive contribution and actually--