Thank you for the presentation. Most of the questions have been asked.
I'm trying to get to the nub of the issue with respect to the value chain. We've all talked about this and agreed that it is extremely worthwhile.
In one of the previous committee meetings a statement was made by one of our witnesses that within 12 to 18 months we could be shut out of this refinery game because of the increased activity in the States. I don't know if that's the truth or not. But one of the worries I have--coming from a Saskatchewan perspective and knowing the crisis we have with farmers--is what do we need to have happen now to begin movement?
We've had the announcement of the 5%. We know we need incentives for the farmers to participate in the refineries. We need incentives for the refineries to proceed. If what I heard in the last committee meeting is indeed true, that within 12 to 18 months there is a potential we'll be shut out of the refinery game, what needs to happen first, and how quickly do we need to make it happen before we potentially lose out?