Thank you.
In fact, the impression was left that things could continue as they could. I don't plan to resurrect the whole debate on the Canadian Wheat Board. I would just like to summarize some of the points in the letter.
We believe there was no publicity available in regard to the voters' list. I feel the process wasn't as tight as it could have been in our democratic country. The letter states that there were some “voting irregularities”. Point four mentions the couple in the Pennant area of Saskatchewan, in regard to the ballots and the counting of the vote. There's no need for me to read that. We've all read the letter.
I believe what's really important for the Auditor General to investigate is the idea of third-party spending. The minister and his department chose to move forward with a vote without first placing limits on third-party spending. I quote from the letter: “Nor did the Minister or his department require reporting of spending.”
We're questioning the idea, questioning the fact, that there was publicity put out for the government side by various members of Parliament in their ten percenters and other publicity that came out from the government side. The letter is questioning whether in fact this was legitimate. And I think that's a legitimate question to ask.
There's the whole idea of ballot secrecy and trust--one farmer, one vote.
I'll just summarize the conclusion of this letter. I believe, as the National Farmers Union believes...and I must emphasize that this is a national organization. It's made up of thousands of members, not 200 or 300 or 400 members, like some other organizations, and it does speak for a majority of farmers.
The conclusion of this letter states:
...the Minister and his department conducted themselves in a manner that is unfair, undemocratic, and damaging to the public interest. Further, in so doing, the Minister and his department and government MPs improperly spent public money while simultaneously imposing draconian spending limits on those they disagreed with.
If I can digress for a minute and look at money, there's this whole idea now there going to be compensation to the Wheat Board, and the farmers will have to pay for contracts that may not be able to be fulfilled because of the latest developments in this whole episode? I would like to submit that it wouldn't be fair for the Wheat Board--and that is farmers' money--to have to pay out contracts if they're not able to be fulfilled by the Wheat Board as a result of this plebiscite or other things that are going on.
So I'm asking, by this motion, that there be an investigation immediately and in detail, and that the findings be reported as soon as possible. If there is misconduct and misspending, we ask that the Auditor General declare clearly that the results of the recent barley marketing plebiscite be invalid.
As I said, I'm not going to take time; I know that other honourable members would like to take some time to refute what I've been saying. I would just like to emphasize that I believe, and have from the beginning of this whole process, that it could have been done differently. There could have been different ways to go about effecting change through a method of evolution and not revolution. I believe the whole process is short-sighted. Regardless of which government, provincial or federal, they so often tend to look at things in the short range and not in the long range.
We're in the process of looking at a whole agriculture policy for the next five years or more. I believe that in the long-term interests of farmers in Canada and of agriculture, this process could have been undertaken differently. There could have been more consultation, more socio-economic studies as to the actual effect of this move--the eventual dismantling, call it, or watering down of the power of the single desk--on farmers and on farming communities.
I'd like to submit that this has not been done. And it could have been done. We could have had some studies and then moved, together with the Wheat Board and with the farmers of Canada, to arrive at some kind of solution acceptable to all parties.
I believe that all those around this table and all those people who represent farming communities want the best for farmers. I just think this government has moved too hastily under the advice of some interest groups and lobbyists and others to eventually fulfill the plans of those who would like us to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board--I shouldn't say that the government wants to, but there are those who want us to dismantle this trade enterprise that has been serving farmers over the years.
Let's not forget, as was brought up in our consultations over the course of those two weeks that we spent, that there is a force in collectivism, that this rugged individualism that many opponents of the single desk talk about is not really valid for Canada, that we're not in a system in which companies can take control of the farmers and do what they want. We have had a Canadian Wheat Board that stood up for them; we have had a Canadian Wheat Board that's evolving; we have had a Canadian Wheat Board that's trying the very best, through elections, and keeps electing farmer directors who are for the Canadian Wheat Board, by and large, and all of a sudden we find this shift.
I find it a very disturbing shift. When I talk about that, I do get emotional. I'm not just here as a spokesman for a farming organization; I'm here as someone who has analyzed what's going on. I have spent most of my time in this portfolio looking at the Canadian Wheat Board when, like many others, I could have been doing other things, and it was because of this shift of this current government.
I think it's wrong. It is just another step in all of this that has happened.
I'll let other people speak. I understand that we probably will have a chance at least to vote on my motion; if it is not today, then it will be next time. I certainly respect your desire to end early. I agree with David, and we talked about taking this procedure.
Thank you very much.