Anyway, Mr. Chairman, I'm going to continue, because should we actually take it seriously, I actually would wonder about the appropriateness of this motion if not actually whether it is even in order.
In my mind, it demeans and lessens the role of the committee. We're allowing an outside lobby organization to influence the committee. It's actually interesting. When we check, the National Farmers Union is not even registered as a lobbyist. I noticed that most of the other farm organizations are. I'm just wondering what the relationship would be between Mr. Atamanenko and the NFU, when they are not registered, in anything that we could find, as a lobby group. They certainly work as a lobby group, in my opinion, because we've gotten faxes from the NFU, from a telephone number in Saskatoon, regularly. They have been down here to talk to people, to lobby people. I know they're very active in the farm community.
So it puzzled me when we looked. And I may be mistaken, I certainly am willing to be corrected, but it puzzled me when we looked to see if they were registered as a lobby association to find that they actually are not.
If they're not, I'm wondering what they are and why the agriculture committee would be taking up their cause for them. It really calls into question the independence of the committee if we're going to take a third party's opinion, and then begin to support that and to present it as the opinion of this committee.
It could have been worded far differently, and probably would have been a far better motion, if Mr. Atamanenko wanted to call in the Auditor General herself. We certainly could have done that, because in the past, as you know, we've done that. We were the ones who made the motion to bring the Auditor General in on the CAIS report, and I believe we called on her services with the packers and that whole investigation of the programs that were put in place after the BSE problem began.
I think it is really inappropriate for this committee to recommend this motion. We see that there's no precedent for it. We recognize, most of us, that the NFU has limited support, particularly in the Canadian Wheat Board area. It's not one of the strong farm organizations there. They have some support, but they definitely do not represent a majority of farmers in the designated area for the Canadian Wheat Board. I don't think anyone would argue that.
This motion, Mr. Chair, shows bias, and it puts the committee in a situation where they're biased towards one lobby group. Certainly, I don't expect some members of this committee would be willing to take up the position of other lobby groups that we have in western Canada involving this issue, in any formal way, anyway.
I think it undermines the moral authority of the committee, because if we do this we will be seen as biased on this issue. It's going to be fairly difficult for anyone to take the committee seriously when the public can see that the committee, if it votes in favour of this motion, has made a decision that indicates some serious bias.
The worst part of it all, I guess, is that it shows that the committee is willing to serve only select groups, and in the years that I've been on this committee that certainly has not been the case. This committee has been willing to hear all sides of the issue, we've been able to put reports together, for the most part, that have been neutral and that have been good reports and have been reports that we can take out to the public. Actually, when I look at the APF report and see what's in there, I think we've been able to begin to do that again.
I think back to the report on the Canadian Grain Commission last summer. I think that was a good report that was agreed to by everyone around the committee. All of us put a little bit of wine in our water in order to make that report work, and we were more than willing to do that.
One of the things I want to point out is that the committee is not a lobby group, and that is what this amounts to: the committee is going to be made into a lobby group. I don't think it's appropriate that the committee do the lobbying for the National Farmers Union when the information we have is that it doesn't even have status as a lobby group.
I'm just wondering, maybe the Ethics Commissioner is the one who should be called in, rather than the Auditor General, on this issue.
Anyway, I guess I'm concerned that Mr. Atamanenko is choosing to be the mouthpiece for the National Farmers Union and trying to use the committee to reflect that opinion, because I think it's inappropriate. I don't think it does the committee well. So we're going to continue to oppose this.
I also want to go through the letter because I think that's important. They've sent a letter here that's a number of pages and makes a number of accusations about the government. So I think it's important that we go through and deal with some of the issues they've addressed in here, because they're definitely making a point, in my mind, that's biased.
I think everybody would agree they have a bias and are willing to get out and lobby for that viewpoint.
I don't think it's appropriate for the committee to say that's the bias we're going to support, and particularly when we haven't spent the time going through the letter. I don't know whether most members of the committee have studied this letter or not, but I doubt they spent a lot of time checking it out and seeing what it says, so it's probably good that we look at it before we have a chance to vote on the motion.
First of all, they don't like the language in the question. I think this is a strange turn of events, because this is similar to the language that has been used in the Canadian Wheat Board survey for years. I have the survey here. It goes through a number of different areas, of course, for western Canada. They have three choices and have had them for years; they have them in wheat and in other areas too. We can go quickly through some of those as well.
On dual marketing, they have questions. “I think if the CWB had competition it would provide better service”. Well, 60% of the farmers in western Canada think that's a good idea.
“A dual market for grain would not necessarily mean the end of the CWB”. That's 59% or 60% as well.
On barley: “I am...confident I could market my own barley without the CWB”. That's just under 60% as well.
“I think if the CWB had competition I would get better prices for my grain”. There are 54% or 55% who believe that.
So there are some pretty strong attitudes or opinions that the Wheat Board could do better with some competition and that farmers think they're capable of marketing their own grain.
In terms of marketing barley, the questions are asked: should it remain the sole responsibility of the Wheat Board, should there be a dual market where private companies and individual farmers can compete, or should there be a totally open market? Those are similar to the questions that were asked on the plebiscite.
Farmers are not stupid. They know what the options are. They've been listening to them for years on the surveys we've had. You can go through them.
In Alberta, the support for this is about 75%. In Saskatchewan it's well over 60%. In Manitoba, in this survey, it was at 60%. We look at that total percentage across the prairies as being almost 65% of farmers who support dual marketing or a change in the Wheat Board marketing system.
We find the same thing when it comes to dual marketing of wheat. Again they ask the same questions: should it remain the sole responsibility of the Wheat Board, should there be a dual marketing option where private companies and individual farmers can compete with the Board, and should there be a totally open market for wheat without the Canadian Wheat Board?
Actually, it's interesting that the questions the Wheat Board asked are, if anything, more aggressive than the questions that were on the plebiscite. That second question for the Wheat Board is where private companies and individual farmers can compete with the Wheat Board, and our option was to allow the person to market their barley to the Wheat Board or to anyone else. In that situation, again, we have more than 50% of the farmers who support this as their option.
Clearly, the language was not an issue for farmers on the prairies. They knew full well that the three options were there, so they made their choice and voted it, and we'll come a little bit later, hopefully, to the results.
They repeat their argument that there was confusion over the options. As I've pointed out, I haven't talked to one farmer who really was confused by those three questions. If they were, I just said to them, “You knew what the questions were when the Wheat Board surveyed you, didn't you?” And they say yes. So if they're saying they're confused by these options, I would say they're probably taking the position that they don't like the results of the survey.
Again, one of their issues is that there is a lack of clarity to the questions. Well, the questions are very clear: the Canadian Wheat Board should retain the single desk; I'd like the option to market barley; or it should not have a role in marketing barley. Those are about as clear as anyone could have. There is no lack of clarity on those questions, and it's clear to me that farmers understood them and voted in a way that reflected that.
Mr. Chair, they also make the assertion that we've been ignoring farmers in Parliament, and clearly that's not true. Farmers have chosen to elect a Conservative government, and particularly in the designated area, with a very strong support. They were well aware of what our position was on the Wheat Board. They'll say, we didn't elect you just on the Wheat Board, and that may be true. But that was one thing they knew was part of our agriculture policy, and they seemed to like it, because they came out to support us very strongly.
Clearly, we're not ignoring farmers. They know what we're doing and they've been supporting it, and they're calling for change. Actually, it's interesting because a couple of the farm organizations have come forward and I think they're asking that the date be moved ahead.