Okay. The proposed amendment is this:
That the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food write a letter to the Honourable Sheila Fraser, Auditor General of Canada, indicating the Agriculture Committee's unanimous support for an investigation into the government's conduct and spending by the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food throughout the recent Canadian Wheat Board barley marketing plebiscite.
The reason for making the amendment is that it takes away the reference to the National Farmers Union. I understand that Mr. Anderson is not opposed to having the Auditor General have an investigation, but is more concerned with having the committee setting historical precedent by officially supporting one interest group over another, and therefore fears that the independence of the committee would be called into question.
David also stated at the last meeting that “It could have been worded far differently, and probably would have been a far better motion, if Mr. Atamanenko wanted to call in the Auditor General herself.” I have taken Mr. Anderson's concerns and comments to heart and am prepared to propose this friendly amendment in the hope that it will satisfy all parties and bring about a consensus as to how to proceed.
So I'm prepared to propose that the motion be amended to remove the reference to the National Farmers Union, and I just read that out. I would of course then expect that in exchange for making this friendly amendment we could get unanimous support for the motion, and that the resulting letter to the Auditor General would be composed and distributed to the members of the committee for review prior to our next meeting on June 7, at which time the committee will come to an agreement on the final text of the letter prior to conducting any other business.
In other words, if the committee is in agreement, I'm prepared to make that amendment, and then if we could have that letter ready for our final approval before next meeting, we could move on with business today and also next time.
So that's basically what I have to say on that.