This amendment certainly suggests that something inappropriate has happened, and I haven't, either here today or anywhere else, heard any evidence of that. I think it's inappropriate for our committee to be casting a net like this, one that just tries to essentially capture as many political actors as possible without any real reason to believe there's anything there. This is a fishing expedition.
The initial motion from Alex called for the investigation of spending by the government. Certainly implicit in that is a suspicion that something inappropriate was done. Again, I haven't ever heard any evidence to that effect.
If you're going to investigate the government, given that the Wheat Board's opposition to any freedom of choice for barley producers is well known, there was a bit of balance in that, but to then take that a step further and essentially throw in the Prime Minister and the agriculture minister and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture--I don't know what's next. They can serve the rest of us on the government side on the agriculture committee.
I think it's clearly just a reactive fishing expedition and I think it's inappropriate. I don't see where this is going, other than just trying to make an issue that's already very political even more inappropriately political.