I can lay in on that one. The 2,4-D molecule is one that has been used by farmers for—I'm guessing—60 years, as a first point.
As a second point, it's probably the most exhaustively studied and restudied and tested and retested and evaluated and re-evaluated molecule in the pesticide industry. Although a final report on yet another re-evaluation of that molecule is pending here by PMRA in Canada, in their own words when they released their preliminary assessment a few months ago, 2,4-D when used only according to label directions can be safely used.
The EPA, Europe, virtually every international highly reliable regulatory community has weighed in on this one. So if we say it can be safely used if used according to directions, not only can we speak with confidence relative to the Canadian situation, but we have the advantage of all of these other very stringent regulatory agencies that have also weighed in on this molecule, because it is one that's used globally.
I could further go on to say that it doesn't matter whether it's this molecule or any other molecule, farmers and our industry have no interest in putting products in the marketplace that are unsafe to human health or that would propose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.
If international, peer-reviewed, legitimate science demonstrated that there is an unacceptable risk, the farmers, we as the industry, and for sure the regulators would want that risk managed, and if that meant eliminating the use or eliminating the product, that's the way it is. That's the commitment I think we've had and that's the track record of safety this industry enjoys.
I would make that comment relative to 2,4-D or any other of the 6,000 registered products we have here. It's to ensure this that we have re-evaluation, so that an old molecule, so to speak, meets the new tests of the new science. That's why we're willing go through these re-evaluations, so that the public can be assured, whether it's a homeowner or a farmer who's using it, or a public health authority that's using it.