Mr. Chair, I take great umbrance at the suggestion that any members of this committee have been unnecessarily tardy, or consistently so, or that we can't get meetings.... It's really up to the chair, once the quorum is here, to start the meeting.
If, out of thoughtfulness, you've delayed meetings until more members have come, it's only because you've been considerate. There certainly has never been any suggestion that we've taken our time getting here. I believe this committee has worked very well and has been extremely punctual. So you'd better strike from the record any mention of that, because I'm very proud of my attendance in all these kinds of things.
When I look at these, I can only assume that because they're not based in fact, they're based in conjecture. I don't know if this is that 200-page document on obstruction, subverting, or obfuscation, or neutralizing committees, but really—