All the grower groups we've been in discussion with are very satisfied with where we are, not just with the GROU program but a number of the other recommendations made by the OUI task force, which includes things like the NAFTA label, where I said we have three approved NAFTA labels. Last year when I was here, we had just approved the very first one, and now three have been approved, with seven more under consideration and others still to come. It's the same thing with the joint review projects. They're very, very positive about those. GROU currently has six approved, and seven more are under consideration. The seven are nominated by grower groups, trying to make sure it's looking at different sectors, whether the horticulture sector or the grain sector.
From what we've been hearing from grower groups where we have representation on the committee that recommends the pesticides to us, they're very positive about GROU and the progress we've been making on other fronts as well.