We have a bigger concern with that program.
The first preoccupation was the issue of recycling of containers. Currently, in the Canadian marketplace, 70% or more of containers are recycled by a program that's maintained by industry. Industry obviously was not interested in taking on the containers from the OUI program, since they were getting no financial profit from the OUI program. We looked at the issue of container recycling and did some inspections on that, and the results were very poor. So it was very much a concern for the environment, what was going to happen with these used containers from the OUI program.
The other issue we had was that we had no way of maintaining knowledge over the state of the U.S. product and whether or not it was changing with time and losing comparability with the Canadian product, because there's no heads-up system to us as to changes in formulation of the U.S. product. We did have concerns for both health and the environment with respect to the formulation changing in the States and not having any notification of that in Canada because it's a moment-in-time comparison that was done to approve things under the OUI program.