First of all, on behalf of the department, and especially myself, I do sincerely apologize for that. It was an innocent error; however, it couldn't have happened at a worse time and it couldn't have happened to a sector that was hurting more.
As you know, there was a Saskatchewan election going on. A lot of the other provinces had requested TAPs, and we had to wait until there was a government in place before they could ask for a TAP. In an effort to hurry up the TAP payments for that province, they used a computer program to try to accelerate the payment. There was, unfortunately, an error in the calculation. We were trying to do the Olympic average rather than the structural change with the Olympic average. We added rather than doing the division of the best of, so that obviously showed that a lot of people were going to get a lot more.
It was not a payment that went out. The letter to producers went out on January 14. The error was detected on January 15. A subsequent letter was mailed out on the 17th, and all producers who saw a very significant decline or zero payment, as well as producers who were significant and zero, about 34 producers, were contacted personally by administration to tell them. Most producers hadn't even received the letter, so they now knew there was a letter coming and another letter following it.
I went yesterday to the Canadian Pork Council to personally apologize, and I've spoken with Saskatchewan Pork to see how we can work with them and how we can case manage and correct anything we can.