Actually, I'll go right to Manitoba. In Manitoba, we actually have an agreement in place, and it includes negative margins.
I was just speaking to the Manitoba Pork Council yesterday as part of a CPC meeting, and they have agreed to deliver in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and B.C. They've actually signed the agreement, but they are now just waiting to sign the agreement with their lender organization, and that will include negative margin.
In Ontario, it's already in place, with negative margin.
Again, for Quebec, it's the same thing.
In Nova Scotia, it's in place with Nova Scotia Pork, and negative margin is in place.
New Brunswick Pork is delivering for New Brunswick, and the amendment is with them right now, but we haven't received it yet.
For the P.E.I. Federation of Agriculture, negative margin is in place.
And in Newfoundland, the amendment is with them for negative margin, so we are hoping that it will be placed shortly.