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There were some comments about the size of the industry and whether we need to be reducing the size. I'm a cow-calf producer. I firmly believe that we have too many cattle out there, especially post-BSE. The herds are bigger than they've ever been, historically. Personally, I feel that we probably need to take a million cows out of the inventory.
I see that the hog industry is responding to the market. They are liquidating. We are seeing that adjustment happening in the hog industry. But it's not happening in the cattle industry. Do you have any idea why it's not and why the market signals haven't triggered a sell-off?
I know there are some increased numbers. John and I were talking about that earlier. There is an increase in the cow kill, yet a lot of cows in my area that should be going for kill are actually being bought up at record low prices to increase herds in other areas of the province.