I tend to agree with the industry. We had fulsome discussions with them as to what could be produced. There are a lot of groups out there saying if this is so great for the environment why aren't we going further, faster. As I said, this is the first step in a long chain of events that need to take place.
I am fully convinced that given the innovation and efficiency of our farmers in Canada, we can easily meet this target and go beyond it, but we want to make sure the physical capacities are there. We have to be cognizant of the fact that every year is a new adventure when it comes to weather, and so forth, across the country. We also want to be very careful that we don't set the stage so high that our producers can't meet it and we have to start importing, because once you start opening those gates to imports it's pretty hard to turn them off again.
So that's a lot of what has gone into the mix, Mr. Lauzon.