Yes, clearly, when it comes to the issues of greatest importance to supply management, tariff reductions, tariff quota expansion, and getting enough of our supply-managed products into the sensitive products category, we have shown no flexibility. The chair will in this draft as he has in previous drafts offer some flexibility to some other countries on the condition that they are prepared to pay more through providing greater access. In other words, countries like Norway and Switzerland will be able to have a larger number of sensitive products through paying an additional 0.5% of domestic consumption as compensation.
Those kinds of deals are out there. We have not pursued those deals because what we've been looking for is no tariff reduction and no tariff quota expansion. So our line has been a hard one, and we've been maintaining that line without offering any trade-offs either within supply management or outside of supply management. We are prepared to eliminate the tariffs that are within quota and we have been pressing hard on that, but that is of lesser value to other countries than tariff reductions and tariff quota expansion.
With respect to the Canadian Wheat Board, I wouldn't want to leave the impression that we're not under significant pressure. We are under very significant pressure on the Wheat Board and monopoly powers. It is a priority for the U.S. government. It is a priority for the European Union. And those are two pretty big players.
At the end of the day, that decision will come down to either an up or down decision. Either we keep those powers and decide what we want to do domestically about that, or we lose those powers at the end of the negotiations.
So on supply management, your last question, clearly my instruction and the government's direction is still to push very hard on this issue, to not show flexibility in any way on the issues of tariff reductions, tariff quota expansion. So we will not be doing that. As to the question of whether we would walk away from that negotiation at the end of the day if we don't achieve that, fortunately for me that won't be my decision. That will be at a stage where the discussions will be almost entirely political. So we could maintain this hard line right up until the final day, and then there would have to be some very serious discussions about what would happen next.