Unfortunately, most of our trading partners consider a system with higher prices than what would otherwise prevail in the market as being among the most trade-distorting practices, because that system distorts what the markets would otherwise do. In fact, we suffer somewhat with supply management because of the fact that where other countries have had higher domestic prices, these have tended to create overproduction, which the countries have then dumped onto world markets. They didn't have the kinds of supply controls we have in supply management. So that has done a lot of damage in the past, and there's still a lot of suspicion about any system with higher prices domestically than would otherwise be the case.
We see much greater damage taking place through the subsidies the U.S. has, as they can provide some $9 billion in support for corn one year and a couple of hundred million dollars the next. That's what really distorts markets. Supply management doesn't export a lot, so it's not interfering with other markets to any great extent.
But others do have a great interest in our market and in accessing our market, and that's where we're facing the pressure.