We cannot do it on hogs or pork. We have the right to use export subsidies to some extent on dairy products, but that's all.
Beyond that, we also have the challenge, which France doesn't have to the same extent, that our pork sector as well as our beef sector rely heavily on export markets, so we always run the risk of countervail actions being taken by our trading partners, particularly the U.S.
On your second question, on the issues of labour and environment, as I think you know, there were efforts to put labour and environment onto the agenda of this negotiation, primarily from the U.S. side, and other countries rejected that. Particularly, developing countries are arguing that they shouldn't have to meet our standards in order to compete with us because they can't afford to reach our standards. But obviously the issues of environment relate to questions that are much more broad. They also tie into food safety and other issues that are linked.
There are some environmental issues being negotiated by this, very peripheral environmental goods, that kind of thing.
So it's not part of this negotiation, and those issues will have to be addressed in another way.