It's a fairly complicated dynamic around the negotiating table, what with 152 members all negotiating. Over the last several months, we've seen a significant shift on the part of the European Union and on the part of the U.S. They've made important concessions, and I doubt whether they would make such moves if they didn't think that the end game was coming up soon. The U.S. and Europe are clearly prepared to do a deal, and I think that Brazil and a number of other developing countries are in the same position. We have some questions about India and China and their readiness to make the kinds of concessions that would be needed to achieve a deal.
Generally, there's a sense that it's going to be a little easier to get a deal under the current U.S. administration than under the next one. So many are thinking that this is the time to take a shot. We made a lot of progress. Not that many issues are left, other than the issues of ambition that ministers are going to have to decide in the end. I think the conditions are starting to become favourable for us to take a serious run at this.