So I guess the fact of the matter is that the negotiations are not going to do those producers who have a financial liquidity problem right now much good.
If you look at France, they are, no question, breaking the rules. They're subsidizing their industry. But they're at least going to ensure that they have an industry there if we ever get a WTO agreement that can be utilized, and that's the important thing.
There are two things I need to ask. First, what are the penalties that France could face in terms of subsidizing against the rules? We have to look at this seriously. We're losing a hog industry in this country. We're losing it. A deal that brings in markets in four years' time, or two or three years' time, is all well and good, and I support that, but organizations are taking a different position from producers. Producers are saying they don't care about a trade agreement, but they have to be around when the trade agreement is signed, so something has to be done for them now. So what's the penalty for France?
Second, we should have learned some lessons on our trade negotiations in terms of general trade—agriculture, manufacturing, industrial goods. Our country is in a bind right now on those industries, because labour and environment and lack of enforcement aren't in the agreements. What are we doing in that area? We can be all well and good on labour and environment in this country, but if China and India and those other countries are not doing anything in that regard, we're not helping the environment over the long term, because they're pumping the crap into the air, and we're putting our industries at a disadvantage. So what are we doing in this negotiation to prevent agriculture from being in the same position?