On that point then, in terms of tariff reduction and tariff quota expansion, there's no question, looking closely at those two points, that we would get hurt more under one than the other.
But on the tariff quota expansion or allowable levels of product coming into a country, in the previous rounds the U.S. made certain agreements, Europe made certain agreements, and Canada made certain agreements. We, as a country, have basically always lived up to our obligations in terms of allowing imports. Other countries have not, especially the U.S.
Where this negotiation is starting now, is it at the level that was agreed to in previous negotiations? I forget what it was, 5%, or whatever. And I believe the Americans got to a half per cent or 1%, or some such thing.
What are the Americans now willing to start their tariff quota expansion levels at? Is it the level they were supposed to be at or the level they are at, in which they basically violated the original agreement?