Thank you very much. I'm happy to do that.
As we stated, the policy of the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association is to grow the size of the industry in Canada. As we have advocated for mandates to come into effect, our purpose has been to ensure that we meet the production level of those mandates by building plants in Canada.
In terms of biofuels production today, we are about to reach around one billion litres of biofuels production sometime in the next couple of months. In order to achieve the mandated target of three billion, obviously we have to build more plants.
When you look at the number of facilities that need to come on line, we're looking at adding between 15 and 20 biofuels facilities across Canada. The construction jobs generated from that can be anywhere from 300 to 400 per plant, and there are all of the indirect jobs in terms of the supply, equipment, and infrastructure that goes into building those facilities.
The numbers come directly from the fact that currently we don't have the number of facilities to meet the target. In order to do that, we have to build plants. That's where the economic activity is going to come. We estimate that we're going to be adding between 15 and 20 new biofuel plants in the next two to three years in order to meet that mandate domestically.