No, I'm saying that the plants provide about 30 permanent jobs in the community. For example, the Lloydminster Husky plant provides 26 new jobs. But that's the gross number of new jobs.
I'm saying that the jobs in other related sectors in that region could well be decreased. For example, if it turns out that the cattle industry is impacted, which we are already certain will happen, the cattle industry might be decreased, in which case there'd be fewer jobs for hauling cattle, for processing cattle, and so on. So that has to be subtracted from the 26 jobs.
One community might gain, but other communities around may well lose. And in fact in a province like Alberta, or even Saskatchewan or Manitoba, you could actually get a net reduction in rural diversification and rural employment. You can see several new ethanol plants out there, but you don't see what's missing and what has been reduced.