I'll read a quote here for both Mr. Toews and you, Dr. Klein, from a couple of people in the very business you're in, Mr. Toews.
Kevin Hursh, who is a consulting agrologist and farmer, said:
Even though Canadian ethanol will make little if any difference to world price levels, the George Morris Centre notes it will keep Canadian feed grain prices relatively high as compared to U.S. prices.
What do we have against grains and oilseeds people making a living?
Clare Schlegel said:
We are not complaining about the increase in grain prices.... What we had seen before was unsustainable and our grain farmers were not going to survive.
Mr. Toews, you need grain to survive. We have to keep the grains and oilseeds people in business. This is another opportunity for them. What's the matter with giving them an option?