Thanks, Mr. Chair.
There are a few issues I'd like to bring to the committee's attention with respect to this amendment.
Again, I apologize for sounding a bit like a broken record, but in the context of an environmental protection bill, there may be some concerns about the breadth of this provision, which requires a review of both the environmental and economic aspects of biofuel production. That's one concern that I would suggest the committee consider.
A second is a fairly minor technical one, and that is, essentially we would be inserting an obligation on Parliament to conduct a review in the middle of what is otherwise a regulatory authority in a statute. Perhaps that's just an inelegant architecture issue, as opposed to a substantive one.
The third one, and I say this with all respect to the committee, you can do this already. You don't need statutory authority to do this. Indeed, this committee's jurisdiction, as I've emphasized, goes well beyond the environmental protection compliance of CEPA and would be perfectly well suited to take upon itself at any time this sort of review.