In fairness to my colleague Sandra, she's only been with the agency a short period of time. Some of these things go back historically, and Gord and I have been around for a while.
I think the agency is quite proud of what we've done in our fairly short history of ten years. You asked about the last five years. I think one of the big improvements we've made is that although issues don't come out about....
People are confused sometimes about our regulatory frameworks and so on, but I think we've done a better job of reaching out to our stakeholders. I think we consult better. That's very important, because we do important work for Canadians, and it's important that our main stakeholders understand where we're coming from.
We've done a better job in terms of using our inspection resources. We've modernized some of our inspection programs. We've moved to outcome-based types of programs. Rather than being very prescriptive and saying “That wall must be so high and it must be painted white”, we're saying “This has to be clean, and it has to be a suitable environment for manufacturing food”, and that kind of thing.
I think it's a constant challenge, but we're always modernizing, trying to be as efficient as possible, use taxpayers' dollars as efficiently as we possibly can.