As you know, the programs are primarily demand-driven; however, the total share of the business risk management assistance to Quebec farmers is actually similar to the provincial share of the farm cash receipts when you exclude supply management. When you exclude supply management, it's between 11% and 13%, and that is actually the amount of money that they get in terms of pre-business risk management programs.
Just for example, in $348 million out of the $400 million for the cost of production that has already gone out, $44 million of that was paid directly to Quebec. Out of the AgriInvest Kickstart deposits that went through, the Quebec producers are actually receiving their fair share of the $600 million as well. On top of that, in terms of the AgriInvest, it was very clear when we were negotiating with all the provinces that when we implement the AgriInvest accounts, no province would lose. It will be cost neutral. So that was ensured as well in terms of making sure Quebec and every other province remained whole.
All in all, in terms of farm cash receipts for non-supply-managed, we do monitor to make sure, and it is consistent.